My tongue turned black today is this normal?

I am a recent post-op. I had lap rny on 7/7/03 and have had no problems thus far. Tonight when I went to brush my teeth before bed I noticed my tongue was discolored (black). I brushed it as well but it did not take the color away, even a little. It was fine this morning. I have not had any foods or drinks today that would have caused it to change (ie a purple popcycle). One last thing is I have my tongue peirced (for over a year and nothing like this has ever happened). Has this happened to anyone else? Should I take out my tongue ring? Thanks guys    — Mindy R. (posted on July 19, 2003)

July 18, 2003
My tongue didnt turn totally black after surgery, just 2 black racing stipes down it... It was thrush. Does everything taste odd,or metallic... Where you on antibotics at the hospital?? Call your pcp or surgeon and the can call you in a RX...
   — paulsgirl

July 18, 2003
Did you take pepto bismal at all?? My daughter woke up one morning with a black tongue. It turned out to be from the pepto we gave her the night before. It says on the bottle "may cause tongue discoloration." But I didnt know it before.. LOL.. I was a bit frightened when I saw it. But it went away. Good Luck to you. :-)
   — KellyJeanB

July 18, 2003
That happened to me once. I woke up one morning and my tongue was very black. Hadn't taken any medication and it was very bitter tasting! Went away and I haven't seen it since!
   — SweetDragonfly

July 18, 2003
I have to agree with Kelly's post. Pepto Bismal turns my tongue black also. YUCK. You might want to check on any RXs you may be taking to see if that is a side effect. Also call your doctor.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 19, 2003
LOL I had this happen too! My husband and I just giggled and giggled as it looked so funny! Coincidentally, it happened right around my 30 day check-up. My surgeon giggled too ~ We contributed it to the vitamins (possibly the iron in the chewables) and/or the amount of hot-tea I had been drinking. It was gone in a couple of days. As long as there is no sign of thrush (pain or swelling) and it goes away and does not come back, I wouldn't worry. If it does worry you, give your physician a call! Congrats on your surgery!! Open RNY 1/3/03 330/222/175
   — chelle3081

July 19, 2003
OMG, Mindy. This is a new one on me! I wonder if the metal in your mouth caused this 'discoloration'. I LOVE this place. Where else would you find out about things like this???? ;) I do know that my gold wedding band causes allllll kinds of black discoloration on my finger now. I wonder if everyone thinks I wear FAKE gold jewelry. LOL (Open RNY 10/30/02 and down 175 lbs)
   — Ginger M.

July 19, 2003
I thought I read somewhere when our tounges turn black in color it has something to do with us being in Ketoes or something like that, same goes for the metal taste we get in our mouths but I may be wrong.
   — tonyskid

July 19, 2003
I had black tongue, too!! It lasted one or two days (I forget) and that was it...very early on...about 3-4 weeks out. Go figure!!
   — msmaryk

July 20, 2003
i had the same problem not to far out post op. i had mixed my iron with my pepcid. doing that as well as takeing pepto bismal can cause your toung to turn black.
   — mellyhudel

July 20, 2003
I haven't seen this from experience, but I work in the medical field. I would say it has something to do with your iron levels. It should go away shortly, when your iron level stabilizes. If you are able to take out the tongue ring for a few days, I would suggest it (I, too, have one and it doesn't grow back up very quickly). Just keep taking your vitamins and such. Congrats on your surgery, I hope to be amongst the post-op crew along about October! Have a great day!
   — Cathrine V.

July 20, 2003
Pepto bismol? Any form of bismuth?
   — vitalady

July 20, 2003
This happened to me also. I cannot remember how early post-op it was but within 2-3 weeks. I do not have the tongue peirced, so I do not think that it would be that. One morning I woke up with a black tounge and the next day it was gone and never came back, so I never really thought about it again. I am kind of glad to hear I am not alone on this one.
   — Marcy S.

July 21, 2003
If you have been taking pepto bismul or some antibiotics for a while, your tongue will turn black...a common side effect.
   — doreen A.

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