Food stuck in pouch?

I am 4 weeks post-op and did something dumb yesterday. Since I was able to start ground beef and tuna at 3 weeks out (per my surgeon) and have not had any problems with them I decided to have some of the shredded beef from a toquito. I also had about 2 tiny bites of the corn tortilla. I ate some (Chewing VERY well) and everything was fine so about 4 hours later I decided to have a little more. This time on the first bite I got a sharp pain in my pouch and stopped imediatly. The sharp pain went away but I have had a dull ache (feels like a tennis ball is between my breasts under my breastbone). I tried some hot herbal tea last night and tried to make myself vomit 2x. Neither helped and nothing came of the vomiting. This morning I went and got some meat tenderizer and some papaya enzyme. I have tried both (the meat tenderizer 2x) and tried to vomit 2x again. Once again nothing. you all think there is something stuck or is my pouch just agitated? I can still drink and have tried some hot broth today as well as a SF popcycle with no problems. I am not natious and it does not really hurt. Any ideas?    — Mindy R. (posted on August 3, 2003)

August 3, 2003
Hi, I personally would call my surgeon and tell him the problem. They may want you to not try and eat for 8 hours and then just try to drink something. If nothing goes down, you may have something stuck....Do not Panic. I have had this happen and if something is stuck a scope will releive the problem. Believe me I'm a big chicken...and the scope is not bad at all. Just relax and call you doctor in my opinion. Take care and thinking of you.
   — Karen Renee

August 3, 2003
It sounds like to me you have irritated your new little pouch! I've did the samething at 3 weeks. Felt like I swallowed a rock! What my dr suggrested is go back on the soft foods and liquids for a couple of days. I know this isn't fun when you would like to take a bite of something, but your pouch is still healing. Take care...It will get easier. Barbara Brewer, WLS 5/5/03 Dr McCarty Weight 278.50 8/1/02 Weight 237.00
   — babrewer

August 3, 2003
I found out the hard way ground beef is one of the hardest things to digest because it is so course when you eat it it seems to bind up together after you swallow it. I tried it to early and ended up back in the hospital for three days it clogged my whole digestive system up. Be careful with it and good luck to you
   — dave B.

August 3, 2003
I have only had food stuck in my pouch once and I was throwing up for almost 4 hours, NOTHING would go down not even saliva (that is what I was throwing up). So I would think if you are not throwing up then you have just upset your little pouch. But always call you surgeon when in doubt that is what he/she gets paid the big bucks for!!!
   — Haziefrog

August 3, 2003
When I would irratate my pouch I would go on liquids for 3 days then pured for 3 days then back to solid . It always worked for me. Good Lux
   — Robert L.

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