has anyone with kaiser been told that they had to lose weight prior to wls.

I've heard that the kaiser committe wants to see if you can lose weight, if not they dont approve you till you do is this true?    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 15, 2001)

November 24, 2001
Hi. I had this done through Kaiser with nearly 200 lbs. to lose about 7 months ago (I'm down about 111 at this point). I wasn't told I had to lose weight, but I was told they wanted to make sure I could maintain weight. Luckily (?), I had (by virtue of dieting, gaining, dieting)weighed about the same (on my med charts at least) over the past 6 months. Frankly, if it were so simple for us to lose weight, would we be requesting to have our internal organs rearranged? Sheesh! In any case, that sounds bogus to me. Good luck! Email me at [email protected] if you'd like...
   — Mary Ellen W.

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