Did anyone NOT have to do the leak test and not have in a tube for draining?

Because I am 4 days post-op and I did not have a leak test or a tube in for draining? I was just kind of worried, however everything turned out fine.    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 9, 2001)

December 9, 2001
HI there. I am 3 1/2 months out from surgery with Dr Mando in New Orleans, Neither he nor Dr Oconnel (the senior surgeon of the group) do leak tests unless they suspect a leak. I also just had a little squeeze bulb sort drain that was held in with one stitch and taken out before I left the hosptial. I didn't have the big drain tube people talk about that stays in for any length of time. You'd pretty much know by now if you had a leak. You'd be one sick puppy. Take care!
   — Becky K.

December 9, 2001
I didn't have either. I'm 5 months out. I was worried about the leak test, but my surgeon (Dr. Zorn at Pacific Bariatrics) said they don't do them anymore. I also had no drain tube, but I turned out just fine!
   — careywatkins

December 9, 2001
I am nearly one year post-op and my surgeon does the leak test during surgery. That is why he likes open. I also didn't have any drains, my friend had 5 drains, and he had an open, different surgeon.
   — [Anonymous]

December 9, 2001
I had surgery in July (Dr. Michael Blaney-Military doctor and hospital) I had an NG tube for about 2 days. No leak test and no drainage tubes otherwise. I suppose they know what to look for in order to call for a leak test. Also, it depends on the doctor I suppose.
   — Angela S.

December 10, 2001
My surgeon specializes in laparascopic WLS, and does a leak test routinely on each patient at the completion of the surgery, before patients are awakened from anesthesia. I had no tubes or drains complications and no problems.
   — Diana T.

December 11, 2001
My surgeon does NOT do leak tests, nor drains for his open RNYs. I've talked via our e-mail group to about 60 of his patients over the past year, and no one has had any problems by not having these two things done.
   — [Anonymous]

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