Has anyone been denied because of weight gain during the 12 month weight managment

program? in the 12 months my weight has been unstable. I could loose the weight but can't keep it off. has anyone been denied or appealed and had surgery. I'm i doomed? they already said that I seem unstable and I'm wondering if anyone went through this.    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 11, 2001)

December 11, 2001
If you could lose weight and keep it off why would you need the surgery? I do not get drs or ins who recommend this sort of thing. Best of luck, I would appeal with just that argument
   — [Anonymous]

December 11, 2001
Hi! This isn't really an answer to your question...but I have been terrified to get on the scale since getting weighed in September! I've not really been cutting back and I haven't been 'good' food wise. I am really hoping that I haven't gained any weight (surgery is 12/19). I've never had a stable weight. I've never maintained a weight for more than a few months. Good Luck to you!
   — Pamela P.

December 11, 2001
How frustrating for you to be subjected to such an idiotic insurance stall. Contact Walter & Kelly Lindstrom at I used them for my appeal and they were great. They know just how to handle a case like yours. Their fees are very reasonable and they are people just like us who needed WLS and battled the insurance co.,then made a career of it. I also had to do a 12 week supervised although I had scores of documented Doctor tries.In the end It (the 12 wk. program) was never used by the insurance co.,they were just stalling Contact the Lindstroms or at least view their website, it will be worth your time,Good luck, Greg
   — Greg S.

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