Where do Binders it fit on your torso?

Does it start under your breasts or does it start around your waist? How far down does it go? To the top of your legs? Or how many inches above your legs? Thanks for your help. Nina    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on January 9, 2002)

January 9, 2002
HI Nina, My doctor uses binders even for Lap patients.I found it very helpful.I was measured before surgery.The bider is put on you right after surgery,it is just below the breast and for me went down to the top of my legs. I used mine for about 2 weeks. When you take it off to shower, it lets all your skin hanging and is very uncomfortable and I couldn't wait to put it back on. It had velcro and is tight so my husband helped me put it on.I wore mine over top of my undies.
   — Connie Z.

January 9, 2002
My binder was a shorter variety. I am sure it was intended to go from just under my breast and then down to my hips, but I generally wore it slung lower. I couldn't stand it riding up under my breasts. I just needed it to support the weight of my tummy (sort of like an old girdle) for the first 3 weeks and then I quit wearing mine. I wore mine over a T-shirt or sleeveless shirt, but tucked into my panties. It never seemed to stay where I wanted it too and it really irritated me. I was very glad to be rid of it.
   — Susan M.

January 9, 2002
Mine fit from approximately 2 inches below my bustline to about an inch or so up from my pubic line. Mine sounds a lot shorter than everyone elses here, but then again I am rather long waisted... I wore mine all the time for the first couple of weeks as it really made the tummy feel better not jiggling all around!
   — Kellie Jo B.

January 9, 2002
My binder went from just below the bust line to the top of my navel. My surgeon does not use tape so the binder served two purposes: it supported the operative site and held it stable and it held the two sterile pads in place over the incision. I wore mine in the hospital but rarely wore it after I was released - my instructions upon release were to wear it in the daytime if it made me more comfortable. I found that I was getting a heat rash from it so I quit wearing it.
   — Patty_Butler

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