Wanting to know if anyone has gained alot of weight do to hypothyriod,

I'm pre-op and I'm having a hard time losing weight for wls even though i take pills everday I can't seem to loose. has anyone had problems even when taking pills, losing weight. I had gained 40lbs in 1 years time and now I can't seem to loose it. thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 11, 2002)

February 11, 2002
I am also hypothyroid. I am 2 months post op and have no problems losing weight yet. I take synthroid every day, and have not seen my endocrinologist since the bypass surgery. I am sure that I should have bloodwork done, and you should too. Your medication may need to be adjusted. You should not have a problem losing weight if you are on the proper dosage. Good luck!
   — Lesley M.

February 11, 2002
I also have hypothyroidism and I am able to lose weight. Although I don't think my weight loss is as much as some of the other post I have read in the same time frame, I am quite happy with it. -63 pounds since Aug. 22nd. I look at it this way. I wasn't successful at losing even 5 pounds before surgery. And, on a better note, I think I have finally broken my platuea. I lost 3 more this past week after a 7 week long plateau. I also make sure to take my meds everyday.
   — Betty M.

February 11, 2002
I have been hypothyroid for 15 years and am 5.5 months post op. From the time I was diagnosed hypothyroid to the time I had surgery, I gained 125 pounds. Believe me, I tried every diet there was. In the 5.5 months I have been post op open rny, I have lost 92 pounds. I continue to take my synthroid daily but haven't had any blood tests yet. It sure doesn't seem to be slowing my weight loss down any though. Good luck to you!
   — Pamela F.

February 11, 2002
Hi, I'm pre-op, I have hypothyroidism. I too have a hard time losing weight. And it's easy to gain weight. I was diagnosed with hypo in 1997. I was thin until after I had children, the weight just kept adding up, now I weigh 280#. I have lost 9# since I heard a surgeon at a seminar say that it is good to lose a little weight before surgery. I have been told that wls will be a HUGE benefit. The co-morbidities will lessen and some will even be healed. That is good news! Keep trying to lose the weight. Are you walking, drinking plenty of water, and what about the protein? I am doing all this and it is helping. Don't give up, you can do it! E-mail me if you like, we can give oneanother support before the big day. [email protected] God Bless you on this journey!
   — Michelle M.

February 12, 2002
I am so glad I came across this question. I had my thyroid removed in 98 because I had an uncontrollable case of hyper thyroid. Since that surgery though I have gained over 100lbs. This has been as you know a very depressing thing to deal with. I take my synthroid on a daily basis and continue to gain weight. I am praying that this surgery will help me to loos e the wieght. I am anxiously awaiting the day I can play soccer, rollerblade and ride my bike again.
   — Emile N.

February 12, 2002
I am 22 years old, and have been hypothyroid since birth. I was born without a thyroid. I have received insurance approval and am waiting for a date. I have tried my entire life to lose weight, but being so tired that all I want to do is sleep most of the time makes that difficult. I would love to rollerblade and play tennis and even just walk, but having the energy to do that is so hard. It's a vicious cycle. After 22 years, my thyroid meds are still being adjusted. They are continually being added to. At the age of 9, I ballooned. I guess it was the change of metabolism from the onset of puberty, but it was horrible. I am lucky if I don't gain weight and just stay the same. I had to fight with my PCP about how much I eat, but he doesn't understand how hard it is to walk for exercise when you could sleep all day, every day, and still be exhausted.
   — Maggie C.

October 19, 2002
Glad to see this question come up too. I am Hypothyroid and have gained alot of weight since being diagnosed. It took alot of talking on my part, but I persuaded my PCP to switch me from Synthroid to Armour Thyroid about a year ago. I did alot of research and found that the side effects from Synthroid was causing me alot of my problems. I no longer wake up with those terrible headaches for the main thing. I am pre-op and have been curious if Hypothroidism would hinder my weight loss after surgery. Glad t ohear it may not be a problem!!! Sheryl
   — Sheryl W.

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