has anyone experienced a burning sensation on the leg ?

has anyone experienced a burning sensation on the front part of the leg that starts around the pubic crease and radiates out to the leg right below the stomach? i am 4 months post op and this sensation seems to be getting worse. my surgeon says he has never heard of this, but i am concerned.    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 12, 2002)

February 13, 2002
Hey Girl Friend! I have this problem too, off and on, because I keep forgetting (duh) what I figured out was happening (to me at least). This is going to sound goofy, but if I wear panties that have elastic which is snug around the legs, the "pain" starts. Just as soon as I remember (again! :) and wear a different type, the tendon stops being tender and the pain disappears. Hope this helps...if not, you probably at least got a smile out of it! Take care!
   — Lynn E.

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