How long does it take to build up iron levels?

how long does it take to build up your iron levels? recently my surgery was canceled due to severe anemia. i have been put on almost 1000mg of ferrous sulfate.2 weeks,a month, can any one give some ideas on what can help bring up the iron level fast    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 6, 2002)

March 6, 2002
Even though you are not yet post-op, other iron forms might bring you up faster, better absorbed. Also, iron + C, no milk, no caffeine, no other meds, vites or minerals, no antacids. They need to be alone together for about an hour.
   — vitalady

March 7, 2002
I am also anemic and am taking a lot of iron to get my levels up before surgery. My PCP says it takes 2-4 weeks to really see an improvement on blood tests. Although in the past I have eaten a bowl of Total Cereal for a week prior to donating blood and it has put me quite a bit over the cut-off (otherwise I always fail). But, it's important for surgery, so take as much time as your body needs. I would recommend eating Total though!
   — emilyfink

March 7, 2002
This answer is a little unlike the others, but i was desperate for my surgery, and sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. I didn't want to wait, and I couldn't afford to reschedule the vacation time. No one at my job knew I was having the surgery so I chose another option. My surgeon gave me a blood transfusion exactly one week before my surgery. I don't know how anemic you are, but my Hemoglobin was 8 before the transfusion, and about 10 or 11 afterwards which would be a hematocrit of 24 before, and 33 afterwards, when the norm is around 38 for hematocrit, and 13 for hemoglobin. It does come with certain other risks though, but if you trust your hospital, and your surgeon, and yourself enough to do it that is another option. Now it is up to your surgeon. He or she may not do blood transfusions before, so mine did. Just giving you another option. Hope this helps.
   — tjmoore

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