Question for patients of Dr. Roll in Fairfax, VA

Are there any patients of Dr. Roll in Fairfax, VA who have or have had sleep apnea as a pre-op? I would like to know how he dealt with it. Did he send you for a sleep study if you hadn't already had one done? Did he want you on CPAP prior to your surgery? Did he schedule you to be put in ICU for close monitoring right after surgery? Thanks much for any information.    — Hackett (posted on October 16, 2002)

October 16, 2002
Susan, if you don't get enough responses, you can always attend his support group meeting, the Staple Club, which has hundreds of his patients in attendance. You can get the meeting schedule at their web site,
   — Cindy R.

October 16, 2002
Susan, You may also want to email patients of Dr. Roll directly. You can find a list of AMOS members who are patients of Dr. Roll under the "Find A Doc" heading.
   — Debbie N.

October 16, 2002
Susan, I am a patient of Dr. Roll's, he didn't send me for a polysomogram, because I had already been diagnosed with sleep apnea. I wasn't then on CPAP, so he said he wanted me on it before surgery, He also wanted to know the titration level. I don't recall him having a time period for how long I should be on it. I finally got the CPAP, but couldn't get used to it and I told him this. He does keep all his sleep apnea patients in ICU the first night. Good luck! If you need more info, email me.
   — Lisa N M.

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