Has any one had numerous complications ????

I had an open by-pass 01/03/02 I have lost 10lbs, I started at 365 lbs,,so I am thrilled however...I had to have an "open" double hernia operation 6 months ago.I have also been hospitalized 4 additional times for reactions to MEDS and fevers of unknown origins...In addition, they diagnosed me with severe asthma, put me on an inhaler (steroid) and then prescribe PRETOSONE to compensate for my CAT_SCAN with contrast...Apparently this STEROID mixture can cause cardiac arrest within days, it is letal conbination, and I WAS THE ONE TO RECOGNIZE THE SIDE-EFFECTS (I had not slept for four days straight)I went to the ER and they straightened it out. I have recently developed 2 new incisional hernias(ther popped out at xmas) My employer will TERMINATE me if I need another medical leave within the next 6 monts...Guess my question is "HAS ANYONE ELSE SO MANY COMPLICATIONS???" hOW DANGEROUS is it to walk around with incisional hernias???I am not in pain yet, just uncomfortable with my abdomen protruding like I am 8 months pregnant...I am only 44 years old...Thanks for your responses .Irene Bickerson    — irene B. (posted on January 17, 2003)

January 16, 2003
As to your hernias, they generally arent dangerous unless they strangulate kink. If blood flow gets cut off they die and can kill you. Do see a doc and ask what your risk factors are. <PP For others here, to prevent hernias get LAP surgery whixch has a near zero chance of causing incisoional hernias.
   — bob-haller

January 17, 2003
I had an incisional hernia also and it caused pain for about five months until it was repaired. (I still would have taken that pain over the weight and sleep apnea I had prior to surgery.) Your doctor will tell you what to look out for the danger is it becoming strangulated. I also would research possible insertion of mesh to prevent this happening again and/or look for someone who specializes in treating hernias.
   — Lisa N M.

January 17, 2003
Irene, I have had some complications, but no hernias, so I can't answer that. I had surgery in Nov. threw up constantly for first 6 weeks (Don't know why), then the diarrhea started and it hasn't stopped (14 months now), then in Jan. 02 I was put in the hospital for a week due to UTI, I have had numerous yeast and UTI's since but caught them early enough to not be hospitalized, I have taken about 20-30 pills a day now for the diarrhea (Helps some), then at about 1 year post op I start swelling, i'm talking massive vein breaking, painful swelling, (can't find a reason), now I have underwent exploratory surgery and they diagnoised me with crohn's disease. It has been one non stop trial. On the good side I have lost 135 lbs.
   — Lynda T.

January 17, 2003
Hi Patti@goal from the chatroom is the queen of complications. She should have died many times over. I think her profile is p. Staley. You should read it for some encouragement.
   — Delores S.

January 18, 2003
Irene, you didn't say, but I'm wondering if you are eligible for FMLA? have you looked into that? Your employer cannot terminate you if you are eligible for it.
   — Robin J.

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