This morning I blacked out briefly

I got up this morning and did 30 miutes intense cardio exercise. I drank 2 c. water beforehand. After taking a shower and getting ready for work, my vision went black for about 20 seconds and I still feel a little lightheaded an hour later. Anyone have this occur and know if it is a sign of dehydration or something else I should be concerned about? I plan to call the dr. when their office opens later.    — Melissa F. (posted on January 30, 2003)

January 29, 2003
Sounds like your blood pressure dipped for some reason. It could be the combo of the exercise followed by a hot shower and not enough water. Are you well hydrated? Good idea to check with the doc, but I would also try sipping water round the clock to ensure proper hydration.
   — Cindy R.

January 30, 2003
I was getting dizzy and blackout spells as well. Did you eat before you excersized and took a shower? My surgeon said that this happens a lot when you blood sugar gets low after sleeping all night without food or drink. Try drinking some juice before your workout or shower.
   — Heather ..

January 30, 2003
I agree with the other posts, your sugar levels dropped. I'm sure your shower was hot and that could have been a factor. If it continues, call you doctor. You could have an inner-ear infection and don't know it! Be careful!
   — dolphins94

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