hypothyroid and weightloss?????

Hi, I was wondering if having a hypothyroid will cause me to not lose as efficiently as most WLS patients who do not suffer from this problem? I haven't had the surgery yet, but I was just curious if this would hinder my ability to reach my goal. Thanks for any input :)    — Regina S. (posted on February 13, 2003)

February 13, 2003
I have severe hypothyroidism since I was 13 and take synthroid every day. I had surgery on 11/05/02 and have lost 60 lbs so far. I started at 280 and I am 5'3" tall. I don't think my hypothroidism is a hinderence. Some people might consider me to be a slow loser but when was the last time I lost an average on 20lbs a month. My endocrinoligist did mention before the surgery that my medication may need to be adjusted after surgery because malabsorbsion but so far it is too early to tell. Good Luck! **kelly
   — Kelly T.

February 13, 2003
I don't think hypothyroidism would hinder you from losing the weight your surgeon sets up as a goal for you, as long as you take your Synthroid everyday as directed. Thats what it's for..
   — thumpiez

February 13, 2003
I have hypothyoidism... take Armour Thyroid every day for it. I am 8 weeks out and down 40 pounds. But I am what they call a light weight to start with. I am 5"5" and started at 242.
   — Sheryl W.

February 13, 2003
I also taky Synthoid daily. I am 5'6 started at 255. I had my surgery on Nov 11, 2002 and currently at 192. that is a loss of 63lbs. I do not consider this slow. My doctor (who is very strict) is pleased with my progress.
   — Sharon F.

February 13, 2003
I take synthroid for hypothyroid. I had surgery 10 months ago and have lost 105 pounds, ten left to get to 125. One thing you should do, is get it checked periodically because after 6 months, my heart started racing alot. When my endo. did bloodwork, she lowered my dosage. As you lose weight you might have to have it adjusted. Good luck
   — Mary V.

February 13, 2003
Provided your hypothyroidism is controlled well by meds (synthroid, etc) it won't affect your weight loss.
   — mom2jtx3

February 14, 2003
How about this one, I had surgery on March 1/02 and then in october founf out I had a large noduale growing on my thyroid. Started on Synthroid and am doing fine. Turns out that I may have had thyroid problems all along but because I "fit" into the normal range no one was ever willing to consider it. I started at 326 and I currently weigh 179 at almost a year out. You will still lose!
   — Kelly L.

February 14, 2003
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism years ago, and I have been on synthroid the whole time. However, oddly enough my thyroid levels have returned to normal without medication ever since surgery. I have been off synthroid for a year now! The part we can't figure out is that this is something that you deal with for life, so I must be a glitch in the system. There was no doubt that I had it, and now its normal. Go figure! As far as the weightloss is concerned I had no troubles losing weight and reaching goal, and as long as you keep your levels right, you shouldn't have any problems whatsoever with losing.
   — Karen E.

February 14, 2003
I have hypothyroidism, I take Synthroid, 3 months out lost 65 pounds. No problem here, but it get it check regulary, it will fluctuate.
   — Annette R.

February 15, 2003
It's me :) I wanted to say "Thank You" for all of the supportive responses. It is so nice to be able to have a concern and be able to post it knowing that there are so many supportive people out there who will respond. I am anxious (and scared) but I know in my heart this will be an experience worth going through.
   — Regina S.

April 18, 2005
SYNTHROID IS NOT THE ONLY ANSWER! Please beware that family practitioners are NOT trained about the thyroid in medical school. Endocrinologists should always be approached when you are hypothyroid. There is another factor that many women are affected by and that is a lack of the thyroid hormone T3. If you have a T3 problem, no amount of Synthroid will help you because it only provides the hormone T4. I nearly died from this oversight and not knowing better... You know yourself. Don't be shy to demand to feel ok. Good Luck! -160 lbs and counting so far!!!
   — Rachel Propes

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