Recently, I have been reading about several members who

have survived pulmonary embolism following surgery. I was wondering if anyone knows what makes the difference between someone surviving and someone dying from them. My friend, Ginger Brewster, on the memorial page of this website, died from pulmonary embolism while she was still in the hospital after having post surgery complications. I am curious as to why some people survive and some don't?    — Hackett (posted on July 30, 2003)

July 30, 2003
I had multiple PEs in 1992. My thinking is that the size of the clots as well as the location is what makes or breakes the difference. It is a tragic complication that can happen to anyone having any surgery. The biggest way to help prevent PEs is walking. Some people, me included, have a filter put in to help catch clots should they form. However, you can't predict whether you will develop blood clots or not. I am sorry to hear that you lost a dear friend.
   — Rachel T.

August 5, 2003
My mom died of a blood clot, (not wls related) and she died because no one knew she had a blood clot until it was too late. When she went to the ER they didn't even know she had a blood clot, they were going to send her home but she wouldn't let them. I think what determines if you survive or not is how quickly they are detected, and how strong your body is overall.
   — fropunka

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