Anyone have Harvard Pilgrim insurance and get approval for plastic surgery?

It's time for me to start thinking about plastic surgery. I had Blue Cross when I had my RNY but I now have Harvard Pilgrim HMO in Massachusetts. Anyone with this insurer have any luck getting them to cover an abdominoplasty or ANY plastic surgery? And will the fact that I wasn't insured by them when I had my RNY have any bearing on their decision?    — sandsonik (posted on October 17, 2003)

October 17, 2003
We had Harvard Pilgrim when I had my surgery. They were an awesome company. Approved immediately, no problems. I haven't gotten to the PS point yet but when my husband's company had their initial meeting with the Harvard Pilgrim rep., he asked about the RNY and was told it was covered but the plastic surgery was not. Don't know if they approve under the right conditions. Good luck! The company switched from Harvard Pilgrim to Blue Cross. Do you know if they are any good about approving PS? Lynda ME/FL
   — [Deactivated Member]

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