This is so weird. I used to get stared at before WLS when I ate..

And now I get stared at after WLS when I eat. Wahhhh. I'm down about 60 lbs, and I'm still big, and waitresses don't understand why I can only eat half a cup of soup. Yesterday I got...."Do you want a refill on that.. oh, you're not even done yet!" I guess this isn't a question, just ... How did YOU handle situations like this?    — Michelle J. (posted on November 24, 2003)

November 24, 2003
I don't worry about it. I ask for a doggie bag if I want to take the leftovers with me. I assure the server everything is just fine and I wasn't particularly hungry, or was talking so much with my friends I ran out of time to eat. Then, if the service is good, I leave a nice tip.
   — JoSyrNY

November 24, 2003
I know just what you mean. We had our Thanksgiving potluck at work last week and the big boss, who is new, asked me if I had gotten enough. I just said yes and commented that we have lots of great cooks in our midst.
   — LisaHillsinger

November 24, 2003
I catch people watching to see what I eat but don't let it bother me at all. I just keep in mind that this is a relatively new thing to most people so if they know I've had the surgery, they're really curious which is natural. As for waitresses, I haven't had any comments other than some of them think I'm on the Atkins diet. If they ask, I just tell them yes and politely ask for a carry out box if I want to take the food home.
   —  SCbabe B.

November 24, 2003
I frequently have servers ask me if there was something wrong with my food....I simply say that either I wasn't very hungry or I just don't eat very much. They've always accepted that and asked if I wanted a doggie bag. Good luck to you!
   — Lynette B.

November 24, 2003
I hate going into a resturant and getting "watched". So I make it a point to enjoy myself and if I catch someone watching, I WAVE. I am only 13 days post-op so the next time I go out to eat, I plan to be -60 or more pounds and if people still look, I'll still wave.
   — Renee B.

November 24, 2003
This happens to me sometimes whenever we go out to breakfast or dinner. At breakfast whenever I order just 1 egg with toast (and I never can eat all of that, just the egg and maybe a bite or two of the toast) the waitress will sometimes say something like "just that??, you dont want any hashbrowns with that??". I just say no thank you and usually my husband or the kids will finish my toast. Dinner usually isnt a problem. Ill just say I just got full real fast this time and they will usually wrap it up no problem.
   — Kris T.

November 24, 2003
I suspect people are far less interested in us than we sometimes think they are. Wait staff don't really care how much you eat; they are trained to be alert to a potential problem. So, when someone eats very little of their meal, they ask (and should) if everything was OK. I've never felt the need to explain myself to anyone (before or after surgery), so I answer the question that was asked, not the question I think they might have menat. For example, if a wait person says "is that all you're having?", I simply look at them, smile, and say "yes, thank you." I do not assume that they're really asking something like "I know from the size of you that you must eat more than this--c'mon, what's going on here?". If I get "you didn't eat much of your meal; was everything OK?" I say "it was fine, thank you" and then either ask for it to be wrapped or not, depending on my mood. I don't feel like I need to explain why I didn't eat everything on my plate. I have never had a problem when I answer just what was asked, and don't assume more. And, trust me, you are probably much more aware of your plate than anyone else is. You'll get used to it.
   — Vespa R.

November 24, 2003
I had the couple at the next table ask me if what I'd ordered was bad, because they were going to order it until they saw me sending it away, largely uneaten. I laughed over it. Learning to laugh over a lot of things these days :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 24, 2003
One of these days when you get to goal and still eat small amounts they won't ask you anymore since you'll be eating the same amounts that naturally thin people eat. Enjoy the doggie bags!!
   — Cindy R.

November 24, 2003
Here's a tip I learned: ask for a to go container right when the meal arrives. That way you put all your "extras" in beore you eat, or while you eat. The server usually doesn't know how much is in the container.
   — Heather M.

November 24, 2003
Simple start to frequent sushi bars, and eat at the bar where you can oder by the piece. I do all the time. If you mix it up enough with many small orders, those around you will lose track of what you have eaten all together. Nice think about sushi is, you can pretty well figure out how many pieces your pouch can hold, and never overeat too;) For those who hate sushi,I don't have any good ideas.
   — Greg P.

November 24, 2003
Love sushi, Greg! Great tip. Funny thing happened to me yesterday. My mom took me to IHOP for dinner and we decided to split an order (common occurance when i got out to eat with someone) of stuffed crepes. When we told the waiter this he said one order? For both of you?? (My mom is obese) We said yes, we don't eat much (well, i don't and she takes what is left!) When he brought out our food, he included the crepes (2), hashbrowns, and 2 pancakes and 2 large mugs of hot chocolate! We were suprised and said we didn't order all of this, and he winked and said it's on the house, I know how it is this time of year. He thought we were trying to eat cheap! Embarrasing but what a nice guy.
   — salymsmommy

November 25, 2003
I absolutely loved this post!! I don't intend to be mean, but I was in stitches because I relate to it so well. I am 8 mos post op LAP-RNY. A few weeks after surgery I had to go to a business lunch and stupidly allowed myself to get talked into salad, entree and dessert (that doesn't happen anymore, I now order appetizers or take home what I don't eat of a regular size meal). The salad came, I ate a bite, moved the food around and asked for the rest to be packed. The waiter looked at me funny and I said "I started a new diet". The entree came, I ate a bite, moved the food around and asked for it to be packed. The waiter asked if I liked the food I said yes and smiled. Then we get to dessert. He brought out a 1"x1" cube of plain cake with a slice of strawberry on top and already had the rest of the dessert in a to-go box - his comment "I know you didn't want to ruin your diet with a big dessert either". He smiled, we all laughed.
   — M B.

November 26, 2003
How funny, this fit perfect w/my lunch. A fellow WLS friend & I went to lunch at Garfields today, we both order a salad w/grilled chix on it, we both ate 1/4 of our salads and the GORGEOUS HUNKY waiter thought we didnt like it. So we just explained it to him. He gave us AWESOME compliments, congratulated us, wished us great luck and MADE OUR DAY!! But I like to brag about my WLS and usually tell the server why I am not eating but a quarter of my order. THey are always always full of congrats and way to go. I enjoy the compliments!! LOL
   — Leslie N.

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