How do you know if you have a large stoma, or a stretched stoma?

Is it possible to have the stoma stretched? And how do you know if you have that?    — Michelle J. (posted on April 1, 2004)

April 1, 2004
Do you mean can you have it stretched cause it's too small - or are you wondering if it HAS stretched? Both are possible. The only way to know for sure is for your doctor to examine it (usually with a scope). What symptoms are you having that concern you?
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 1, 2004
If you're eating solid food like chicken and you never get that full feeling then you may have an enlarged stoma as the food passes right through.
   — mom2jtx3

April 2, 2004
Most people are aware of it right away - or by 4 - 5 months when they are on solids... Basically you can 'eat' more than your peers; you may not get full after eating 'to much'. This is assiated with the RNY since your surgeon 'makes' your stoma... and like pouches can vary surgeon to surgeon. IF you feel you have this problem, and Upper GI will show if you have any pouch function.
   — star .

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