i need help 4 wks out and i ate something rong

on thur 12/23/04 i ate 2 small bites of lettus and now i've been sick 31hrs i've only held water donw for about 2 hrs. has this happend to anyone else. and how long does it last?    — kim88 (posted on December 25, 2004)

December 24, 2004
Lettuce is water soluble and is disintegrable. The lettuce has probably already dissolved and there is something else there that is making you sick and not the salad. Sounds like you might have a stricture and need to call you're doctor ASAP so that he can have you scoped. Hope this helps.
   — Belle

December 25, 2004
Four weeks out is too soon to be eating anything solid, or anything raw. All your vegetables should be cooked well and pureed at this stage. But, if the pain does not pass soon, you should call your doctor.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 25, 2004
I was told nott o eat salad until after 5 months out. Your intestines need to heal before that harsh stuff goes thru it. If the pain persists call your doctor. Good Luck.
   — catleth

December 26, 2004
I agree with Richard. You don't say that you are hurting, just sick. That leads me to believe that you are nauseated. Is that it? If that is it, you do probably have a stricture. That is exactly what happened to me, but I waited 10 days thinking it would get better. It didn't, so I went to a GI doc to scope me and stretch the anastomosis. It worked immediately. I could eat again as soon as I got home. It was wonderful. You really should go ahead and call your doctor. I don't think it is the lettuce. Good luck and let me hear how it goes.
   — debi327

December 26, 2004
You are still early post op and should not be eating lettuce. Most post op patients don't have lettuce until about four or five months post op. I was only able to eat a few bites at my six month. Take it slow and easy!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 27, 2004
Lettuce should not be making you this sick. All surgeons are different, I was eating lettuce at 5 weeks post-op with no problems. Salads with soft veggies was a fav at 5 weeks. We cannot predict what will go down easy and what will make us sick, especially at your early stage. some post-ops sail thru, eating everything successfully, and others have some very rough starts. If this hasn't cleared up, call your doctors. The others are right, it may be a stricture, but lettuce would not have caused it.
   — Cindy R.

December 28, 2004
Hi. Something doesn't sound right to me. I have eaten things that have made me sick, but never for 31 hours. I think you should call your doctor right away.
   — septembergirl73

December 28, 2004
I ate shredded coconut after my stomach stapling many years ago. It apparrently turned into a little thatch nest in the bottom of my pouch and caused a complete obstruction. Every time I vomited, it caused more and more swelling until I had to be hospitalized for 5 days on IVs' due to dehydration from the esophagitis. When the Dr did the scope, he gave me the above explanation for what caused the problem. Whenever I felt blocked after that, I always drank some water and barfed it up ASAP so it didn't have time to irritate and swell my esophagus. Since then, I had a revision to rny and I have lived happily ever after. Call your dr and good luck!
   — betseylovelace

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