Slide show of open RnY

I have seen my surgery performed. I think this slide show is of the open RNY. Don't look if you are squemmish.(have a weak stomach) <A HREF="">Ban ner Health Arizona Health and Wellness</A> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------    — Lynda N. (posted on May 23, 2000)

May 23, 2000
When I had my gall bladder out, my surgeon warned me that in a couple months I would get a huge appetite. He said, they don't know why it happens after major surgery, but it does. Although my wls surgeon didn't warn me, it did happen then too. In both cases, it only lasted about 2 weeks. Just keep yourself busy for a couple weeks! Good luck to you! take care...
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 24, 2000
WOW....Thank you! I had RNY on 4/24, I am a very "need to know person" so this was awesome.
   — Terri G.

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