Pain wise, how does the Tummy Tuck compare to the Open RNY?

I am getting ready to have a Tummy Tuck (panniculectomy) next month. My pannus is HUGE...about 30+ pounds. I have heard that it is horribly painful, and I have heard that it is nothing compared to the RNY....what is the real story? By the way, BC/BS is paying for this....yipppeeeee!    — Lisa J. (posted on March 24, 2001)

March 24, 2001
No comparison the WLS surgery was a walk in the park for me..Now the abdominoplasty with three hernia repaired and panni removed was a horse of a different color. But nothing I could not handle :-) And I love my new flat tummy so what ever discomfort was worth it..
   — Victoria B.

March 24, 2001
Everyone has different experiences, but I'll share mine. I had lap BPD/DS (which was probably easier than your Open RNY -- I was back home in 3 days w/o painkillers, back to work in 3 weeks and no complications. For me, the abdominoplasty was easier. Different, but definitely easier. The anesthetic for plastic surgery seems to be easier to shake off and the pain was more like discomfort. I did use prescription pain killers for about 3 days, but overall my recollections were of discomfort (the surgical binder kept riding up) and messy, messy, messy. Drainage is MUCH more than WLS. I stocked up on Chuks (plastic disposable sheet liners) and Kotex stuffed in my undies so I could go back to work. My DS girlfriend is almost 70 and had her TT about 3 weeks ago. She said it was the worst pain she ever had. But I reminded her she was back to work in one week! Don't be a marty about the painkillers -- take them for a few days, have plenty of sheets and old clothes to change into and prepare for the mess. But after a few days, it was a piece of cake for us. My other DS friend just had her's Friday and she is doing great. I'm so pleased with my reconstructive surgeries (breasts, arms, stomach) that I've scheduled inner thighs for 4/18. The thighs are supposed to be worse than the TT, but it is soooooo worth it!
   — Jill L.

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