What could these jittery feelings be?

Please help! I just got home from the hospital today (open rny)but I have these horrible jittery feelings. I feel weak, nauseous and terribly on edge. Is this an anxiety attack or what? I can't lay down to go to sleep-the feelings won't let me calm down-is it that I'm not eating enough? I'm just basically siiping water and juice?    — Brenda H. (posted on May 4, 2001)

May 4, 2001
Your probably fine but do check with a accurate thermometer to see if you have a fever. Dont check just after drinking water or other cold beverages. If you dont have a fever then try getting more water and if in doubt call your surgeon, espically if you have a serious fever.
   — bob-haller

May 4, 2001
Are you taking narcotic pain meds? Your symptoms sound a lot like side effects from these. Maybe you could get a different prescription? Just a thought. I know that I could not sleep when I was taking these meds.
   — Shelley.

May 4, 2001
I was a mess until I got off the narcotic pain meds. You can't stop them cold turkey - you have to slowly reduce the dose until you are off them or you will feel terrible.
   — Lisa B.

May 4, 2001
Everyone's covered some of the bases here, but the one that leaps to mind is JUICE? How much sugar are you getting in one serving? More than, say, 10g? That might be way too much for YOU where it wouldn't bother this one or that one. Some feel sleepy with too much sugar, but I've also given myself the jitters by going just a couple of grams over my limit.
   — vitalady

May 4, 2001
When I had a c-section years ago, the epidural made me jittery. Did you have one in the hospital? If so, it'll pass.
   — Amy K.

May 4, 2001
Brenda, You mentioned anxiety. Do you have a feeling that is what you are experiencing? It sounds like that is your first inclination, and you could be right. You just went through a traumatic experience and now you are coming down off of that "high" you've been dealing with. Your mind might not be adjusting as quickly as your body or vice versa. Ask your doctor if this could be a possibility. There may be something he can prescribe you to calm down for the next couple days while everything adjusts to the new you. But first, make sure it isn't a physcical condition. Don't want to be adding drugs where not needed, do we? Good luck and remember that your body needs a little time no matter what may be the reason for the jitters.
   — Dawn R.

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