Free Tummy Tuck from the Univeristy of Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital Burn Center?

Hi all! I recently read on wls that the University of Miami Jackson memorial Hospital Burn Center (in Florida) would give a free tummy tuck because they use the skin for burn victims. It mentioned a 1.5 year waiting list. Does anyone have more info on this??? I have tried calling them, but no one seems to know about this. Thanks for all the help!! 9 weeks post-op 41#. God Bless!!    — scodorniu (posted on May 17, 2002)

May 17, 2002
You know... I wonder if burn centers everywhere would do this kind of thing for the skin or at least at a discount! Hmmm... I'm going to one here in MI and find out... I WILL post what I find! :~)
   — Sharon H.

May 17, 2002
I had heard that nobody wants the for that purpose because the skin is all stretched out and has lost it's elasticity. I'd be interested in knowing if this was false info.
   — ZZ S.

May 17, 2002
Eric Klein did a research on this already. He called several hospital and asked if they accepted skin from weightloss patient and they said no! I believe he posted this about a month ago. Thanks!!
   — Sharon T.

May 22, 2002
It is really too bad that this rumor will not die. The Shriner's Burn Hospitals are probably the biggest user of skin for grafting in the US. Go to this site and see what they have to say about donations from a live donor. They just don't do that. Anyway, there may be some place that would take the skin, but I would find it highly unlikely. Here's the Shriner's website.<p>
   — garw

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