I felt something go

Hi! I was doing my business on the john (sorry to be graphic) and having to push a little bit to make it happen when out of the blue I felt an odd little "pop" mid-abdomen (diaphragm area). I am in no pain and I don't feel sick or anything. It wasn't near my pouch, which would have been empty anyway, so I don't think the "pop" was that--but I am wondering if I did something to my abdominal wall. I am calling the doctor tomorrow, but don't see the need to disturb him on a Sunday when I am not in any pain. I had surgery 10 weeks ago tomorrow and have lost approx. 50 pounds. Anyone else experience this? Thanks,    — Cheryl A. (posted on July 7, 2002)

July 7, 2002
Hello, I think you should definitely tell your doctor about it. I am pre-op but I've had a hernia in my navel and that's the feeling I had when I gave myself one, doing the same thing you were doing...So I would say to let your doctor know just to be safe...
   — Morna B.

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