Hopefully found headache remedy!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 8 months of hellish headaches I began taking 200 mg B-2 morning and night, within 24 hrs I am down to one pain pill daily and a pain level that went from 8 to a tolerable 3. I just had to share this as I've been looking for relief for 8 long months, I may cancel my first Botox appt scheduled for next week!    — Gail R. (posted on September 17, 2002)

September 17, 2002
Martha Stewart says if you have a headache, cut a lime in half and rub it across your forehead and your headache will go away. Personally, I'd rather cut a lime in half and squeeze it into a little tequila. ;>)
   — Roxanne M.

September 17, 2002
I wonder if Martha has been smoking any funny weeds??? lol :) I wonder how lime on a forhead would help? Maybe the people who told her to sell her stocks in time gave herthat advice. Sorry. I'm in a good mood today and it makes me smile. Personally I like the drink idea... except the drink would probally give me a headace too. And Gail, I like your idea. Wish I had heard of it the first half year post op. I really suffered bad with headaches then. Well hopefully you will help others. Thanks!
   — Danmark

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