Has anyone had a hernia repaired around their belly button? I'm having problems...

I am having bad drainage problems. This was from an incisional hernia. My incision has popped open and fluid is coming out. My surgeon wants to monitor me closely. He says that he may have to go back and open up the incision to correct the problem. If anyone has or had this problem please give me your input. I had surgery Oct. 17th and this started to happen three weeks ago. I'm upset over this. Using a lot of gauze for drainage. I had my Lap RNY Feb. 20th of this year. My WLS surgeon found the hernia when he operated on me and it was from another surgery I had back in 95'.    — Nicole H. (posted on December 16, 2003)

December 16, 2003
My incision opened like that to, I had open RNY. It drained for several days then stopped. I don't have a hernia but I do have a fistula in my navel that drains off and on. My pcp says as long as it doesn't get any worse not to worry about it.
   — Tawnda C.

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