do you have to watch what you drink after u get this surgery

done? Like can you go out to have a couple glasses of wine or something?    — Frances G. (posted on February 22, 2000)

February 22, 2000
According to my Dr. and support group memebers, you can have none carbonated drinks like wine. No beer, champagn, and certainly no drinks mixed with soda or sugar. I know this limits your options, but the wine is your best bet. Other support group members warn that it only takes a little bit to feel tipsy so be careful. The best source for this information would be your Dr. he can fill you in on what is best for the type of procedure you are having. Mine did not object to a glass of wine which of course itself will take a while to finish. Good luck and best wishes to you.
   — Christine S.

February 22, 2000
Hi: I am one year post-op with the Open RYN and when I go out, I have rum and diet cokes. Be careful because you will get drunk really fast and not know what hit ya! It only takes me two drinks for the party to begin :)
   — Renee C.

February 22, 2000
Hi! I looooove my wine. I only drink on special occasions, and on the second sip my legs feel funny. I rarely have more than 1 glass. And I drink it reeeaallly slowly. Try and stay away from anything carbonated, it will stretch your pouch. Cheers! Jaye
   — Jaye C.

February 24, 2000
2nd level is where elective surgeries are sent for approval. Keep calling them....tell them that your papers are on level two and you would like to know how things are going. Be really nice to the ladies you talk to on the phone...they can be very helpful.
   — terry kaye R.

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