Can your WLS surgeon recommend a tummy tuck or does that have to come from your PCP?

Does anyone know if the same surgeon that does your wls surgery, can also be the one to recommend a tummy tuck or do you have to go back to your PCP???    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 20, 2000)

October 20, 2000
It depends on what kind of insurance you have. If you have an pos or a hmo you do need to go through you pcp with a letter of medical necessity from you doc. if you surgeon does it if he is going to send you to a plastic surg. you will need a referal to the plasitc surg and he will need to send the letter of med nec.
   — debbie P.

October 21, 2000
Just yesterday at a mandatory seminar with my WLS surgeon he said that it is much better to come from your PCP. He also said it was very important to document all skin problems that you are experiencing. His nurse also advised to go to the doctor EVERY time you have a problem that way it is documented by the PCP. Hope this helps. Good Luck.
   — Pam S.

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