Has any of Dr. Shina's patients have any trouble with the NG tube?

Hi, I was told that the NG tube would remain in me after surgery for 6-8 hours postop and if everything went ok they would take it out. I really don't want to be awake while they take this out and have been told that I probably would still be under the affects of anesthesia when they do. Has anyone had to keep it in or had been awake while this was done?    — Kim D. (posted on March 17, 2001)

March 17, 2001
I had to have my NG tube in for over a week with my first surgery. Be glad you are only going to have to wait 6-8 hours. I thought it was going to be horrible when they took it out, especially since I never liked putting anything in my nose, ears or eyes and I have a really strong gag reflex, but it wasn't that bad and it went pretty quick.
   — Michele :.

March 17, 2001
Don't worry about the NG tube. I had to have mine in for a couple of days. It's just a bit irritating, doesn't hurt. Plus in the long run you'll appriciate it. It drains everything for you, believe me you don't want all that blood and drainage sitting on your stomach. When mine came out, it wasn't a problem either. I took a deep breath and blew out while the doc pulled it out and no problem!
   — Deniece H.

March 17, 2001
Dr Shina did my surgery this last August. I had no problem with the ng tube. You are under so much pain medicine you don't really care for the first few days what they do to you. All you really want to do is sleep. Good luck
   — micki G.

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