Can you see a shrink for depression? and take meds for it?

   — kay Z. (posted on January 23, 2002)

January 23, 2002
I'm assuming you mean post op. Yes you can still be treated for depression post op. You may have to work a little with your surgeon and the doc who prescribes the anti-depressants to make sure you can safely take them. I'm saying that because I take buproprion and the tablets are HUGE.
   — [Anonymous]

January 23, 2002
Of course you can, and if you're getting medicated for depression chances are you should start seeing a therapist as well, medication only dull the symptoms with therapy you have a chance to look at the causes. I've been severely depressed for the last 20 years or so, some of it is due to a chemical imbalance, but therapy does help especially with the changes that are going to come with weight loss and not being able to use food for comfort and escape. Ok, this is way too long sorry for the rambling, yes would have done...LOL... Diane
   — Diane B.

January 23, 2002
I have had sever depressions my whole life. Being on medication has been a life saver for me. I had my meds right after surgery in the hospital. I would not have had the surgery if I had to give up the meds. Yhere is nothing more debilitating than those black holes of depression.
   — faybay

January 24, 2002
Definitely! I've been prescribed medicine for depression from a pyschologist and my PCP. If you have a long relationship with your PCP he/she could even prescribe something for you. I have heard though that some timed-release medications don't work after our surgery, you might want to check on that. Some anti-depressants are now timed-release.
   — [Anonymous]

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