my surgery is in 1 month from tomarrow...

and im coming down with a horrible cold, i had complications and was unable to have surgery the first time i went in due to a lung infection i didnt know i had, im going to try to get on antibiotics as soon as possible but is there anything else i can or should do to get my lungs in the best shape possible, im a smoker but as of today i am quiting COMPLETELY i dont want to repeat the happening of the first attempt at surgery... thanks in advance for your input    — TRULUV2329 (posted on May 5, 2002)

May 4, 2002
Sweetie - my heart goes out to you. I smoked forever but luckily I had gone through my quitting before I decided to have this surgery (of course, I gained a ton of weight when I quit - you won't have that problem!!). It sounds like you really are being tested ... do you want this surgery. If so, it seems like quitting smoking today, right now, is going to be necessary. I would ask my doctor - but I'm thinking you might be able to use the patches ... you still get nicotine, but not the harmful smoke. Call your doctor and ask. I didn't use the patches (cold turkey - and a b**ch for weeks!), but I have a close friend who successfully quit and stayed quit using the "step down" patches. As for feeling like you're getting a cold - I swear by zinc and ecchinicea (sp?)...I take them both the minute I feel like I'm coming down with something and the cold hardly ever "takes" with me. You are in my prayers. All the best. OPEN RNY 7/17/01, -94, 43 to go.
   — blee01

May 5, 2002
While waiting on my surgery date I decided to quit smoking. Feb 4th of 02 was my last "puff" and I started walking around a track that is near my house. My lungs are in pretty good shape now. I would suggest that u start walking everyday now that u have put down the smokes. You'll be fine...Good luck (lapRNY 4-29-02)
   — Karen M.

May 5, 2002
Hi Melissa! First off, congratulations on your upcoming surgery AND for quitting smoking! If you're feeling a cold coming on, one thing that really worked for me pre-op (I was in the same boat as you: one month before surgery I felt a cold coming on), so I took Zicam. It's available at any pharmacy like Walgreens or Rite Aid, and it's a nasal gel that you squirt every 3 or 4 hours for a couple of days. It knocked out my symptoms right away! Good luck to you and remember to take it day by day with quitting smoking!!
   — LaRayne H.

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