5'5 430 lbs been a smoker for 11 years surgery in a month

ok so i already asked about advice for a cold that is coming on full blast just a month before surgery now id really like to hear from people who are around my size or were and went into surgery with athsma sleep apnea and only 1 month smoke free-----what was your surgical experience like immediatly post op?    — TRULUV2329 (posted on May 6, 2002)

May 5, 2002
With the help of the patch, I quit exactly one month before my surgery date (most docs recommend 6 wks to one month) and it came out just fine. I have started back though, and regret that! You should be okay...
   — rebeccamayhew

May 6, 2002
I was 435 the day of my surgery. I did have asthma but not sleep apnea. I smoked right up to my surgery. Had the last cigarette right before i was admitted to the hospital. I had no complicationsa at all. I did quit smoking for 3 months after surgery then like an idiot started up again. I was in the hospital with 2 women that would go outside to smoke every 2 hours. they had the same surgery i did.
   — C. L.

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