Can I do a bowel prep post op WLS?

I am having uterus surgeryat end of August. I am going to be almost 8 months post op from open RNY. The doctor was telling me I am going to have a bowel prep before the surgery. I know my stomach can't handle gasy foods. I had to have a bowel prep a few years ago for a endoscope test. The stuff I had to drink was fizzy and awful. I had a very upset stomach also from it. Can I even drink it with my new stomach? or is there a different way they can do the bowel prep?    — Melissa S. (posted on June 13, 2002)

June 12, 2002
I had surgery on a friday--came home on Sunday--ended up in E.R. Monday morning. For some reason, My bowels were almost blocked. They ended up giving me 3 enemas and I still had to drink the Fleet Phospho-Soda stuff the next day. I asked them about this with my pouch, but they had called my surgeon and he is the one who recommended that I drink it to finish cleaning out my system. So, I was able to drink it at only 3 days post op. Hope this helps.
   — Carolyn L.

June 13, 2002
I am 5 months post op and have to have a colonoscopy and I have a hard time with drinking the bowel preps it makes me so sick to my stomach so he fave me pills."Visicol" I haven't taken them yet but he was going to give me go litely so I guess it won't hurt our pouches.
   — Bonnie S.

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