I know we are not to drink pop after surgery~

I know the drink is high in calories but is there any other reasons that go along with this rule? Am dying for a sip of a Pepsi! 7 weeks post op.    — Sarah A. (posted on June 23, 2002)

June 22, 2002
One sip wont kill ya, and honestly one sip is probably enough for you to realize that it is not the same anymore and that you dont want it. There is a huge amount of sugar in soda, which we all know what that will cause. And the carbonation gives you a very uncomfortable feeling and some say it will stretch your pouch. I used to drink diet coke like crazy. Seriously thought about not having the surgery because i didnt think i could live without it. I so rarely drink any kind of soda now. It doesnt taste good and it makes me feel horrible. There are lots of people that drink soda post op. But I believe most of them drink diet and drink very litte of it.
   — RebeccaP

June 22, 2002
My surgeon has always allowed pop as long as it's calorie free. I have been drinking diet coke (I like it as much now as I ever did) since about 1 month post op and quite often. Maybe it does hinder weight loss but I'm perfectly content with my progress. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -115
   — KimBo36

June 23, 2002
I also used to drink at least 2 litres of diet pepsi a day and it was one thing that I did not want to give up. after 6 weeks my surgeon told me I could have some pop in moderation. I tried one glass and it did not seem the same and i have not had another sip in over 2 months.I have been drinking fruit flavored water that has no calories or sugar called fruit2o i also have been drinking carbonated water thatis friut flavored with no sodium, calories or sugar from american fare both items are available from K Mart.Good Luck.
   — Chris M.

June 23, 2002
My Dr. allows diet soda. He urges me to stay away from aspartame and reccommends diet riet.
   — Sandy T.

June 23, 2002
im 8 weeks post opp. down 60 lbs. i shake and shake my diet dew till all the fiz is gone. Dr said the fiz will stretch my pouch and if i shake it it is ok.
   — matt C.

June 23, 2002
I used to drink about 3-5 cokes a day pre-op. I am now almost 5 weeks post op and had the same craving. I tried a few sips frozen coke the other day (no carbonation) and did ok with it. It took away my craving and I haven't wanted one since. If you can't handle sugar or think it will only make you want more, then it's probably not a good idea. It worked for me though.
   — sheltie

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