Anyone who knows the symptoms of a leak plase respond!!!

As of today I am exactly one week post op. I'm having a really hard time sleeping on my back, so last nigt (NOT DELIBARETLY) I slept on my left side all night. When I woke up i felt a little sore, but as the day went on I started to get really gassy and the left side of my tummy feels sore. I checked my temp and it was normal. Although from now on I will make EVErY effot to sleep on my back. I'm feeling nervouse that I may have caused a leakage. I also haven't been able to drink my protein shakes but once today. Someone PLEASE ADVISE ME.    — RD S. (posted on July 24, 2002)

July 24, 2002
I am 8 days post op, my Dr. told me upon checking out that one of the symptoms for leakage was pain in your shoulder & neck..I am a stomach sleeper & have been having a difficult time trying to adjust to sleeping on my back...I too tried to sleep on my side, but it was like FORGET ABOUT IT! LOL! I had to turn over within minutes b/c I had the same feeling as you did..
   — Trish R.

July 24, 2002
First RELAX! My wife slept on her belly from the first night home from the hospital, climbed in bed on all 4s. Your merely sore, and your rerouted parts are protected by your bones and ribs. We arent just a big bowl of jelly:) You have no fever and my surgeon said sleep however your comfortable. I couldnt roll over for a week. Leaks by the way are VERY RARE, occuring in less than 1% of surgeries. So relax, quit worrying, your fine. sleeping on belly or side does NOT cause leaks. Congrats on being a post op. POST OP IS THE PLACE TO BE!
   — bob-haller

July 24, 2002
My left side is still sore...The Dr. told me sometning about a nerve around your stomach that especially at 8-12 weeks will give you a fit.Try sleeping and hugging a pillow, it helps me. Good luck...And if you are really concerned call your Dr. He gets paid big bucks to to this!!
   — Mary H.

July 24, 2002
At one week post op you're going to have all kinds of bizarre aches and pains, I know I did and now at four weeks I still have a few. The first time I slept on my left side I woke up with some weird pain and so I rested a lot that day. The next day it was less. The key thing is, when it happens, listen to you body and REST. Force yourself to sleep for awhile, that will do your body good. The second key is, as long as it doesn't get worse, you're probably ok. If something gets worse, then you should call your doc. You're only one week out, you're supposed to have pain. I found that mine just moved around a little. One day one set of muscles, another day, another set of muscles. And sometimes on the day before I did too much, and I knew it. Good luck and like someone else said.. RELAX. *grin*
   — Lisa C.

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