Pre-Op & Plateau. NEED suggestions ...please!

OK you all. I'm pre-op. Between my surgery & busting but I've gone from 324 down to 371. (just weighed at doc's yesterday). I've only lost 2 pounds since August. I'm definately plateauing. It COULD be putting on more muscle but who in the world can guess that one. What I'm wondering is this... I've been reading about RNY post-ops having plateaus and everyone says get more protein, etc. Will that work for me? Any creative suggestions? I have been sick and not working out last couple of weeks, now my "baby" is sick so it'll be probably next week before I go back. Can anybody give some good suggestions??? I guess I'm scared to death about this plateau. The last time I hit a long term plateau I quite losing - period, for MONTHS. Finally I gave up, gained it all back plus some. I NEED some help!!!    — Shelly S. (posted on September 11, 2002)

September 11, 2002
Hi, give the increase of protien , decrease in carbs a try, also try increasing your water intake. Best Wishes
   — Sherry S.

September 12, 2002
Original poster of question here. If I'm already taking in a good 2.5 Liters a day do I still need to increase my water intake? Also, any idea of how many carbs is enough vs too many? After searching the library on RNY plateaus I am upping my protein but I noticed my fat intake tends to go up too? Just bad choices or is this normal for everyone?
   — Shelly S.

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