I'm currently 2 months post and I can eat an entire Protein bar, is that ok?

The bar is 2.11 oz. Now, I really don't feel well after, but have no problem with it going down. Is this too much food at one time? It takes me about 1/2 an hour to eat it. I find this a bit odd cuz I can barely finish 3/4 cup of cream soup.    — Irene M. (posted on October 25, 2002)

October 25, 2002
I still split my protein bars (Power Crunch) in half at 3+ months out. If you don't feel well after eating an entire protein bar, then why eat the whole thing?!?!?
   — John Rushton

October 25, 2002
Maybe I should clarify a bit. I just recently started on the protein bars. However, after eating the entire bar this evening, with no problem going down, I began to feel nausious. I think my main concern was why I wasn't feeling full until after. As I said before, It goes down pretty easy and it takes me at least 30 minutes to finish
   — Irene M.

October 25, 2002
The protein bars I use are also 2.12 oz. I started on them at 3 weeks post-op but could only eat 1/3 at a time. At 2 months I was eating 1/2 a bar at a time. Now at 15 months post-op I eat a full bar for breakfast and it keeps me full until lunch. I'd suggest only eating half the bar at a time and see how you feel afterward.
   — LLinderman

October 25, 2002
I've seen a couple of different sides of the "how fast should I eat issue". I don't think that I have changed my eating times much from when I was a pre-op (with the exception of chewing more). If you take too long to eat, then the first part of the meal starts passing out of the pouch, allowing room for more. The pouch rules for dummies says "3. The patient must eat the entire meal in 5-15 minutes. A 30-45 minute meal will cause failure."...JR
   — John Rushton

October 25, 2002
John, the pouch rules contradict what a lot of us are told by our surgeons. For example, mine said to take 10 minutes to eat 1 oz of food. That was in the early post-op stages. At 12 months post-op I was still being instructed to take at least 30 minutes to eat (have to admit I usually finish in 15-20 though).
   — LLinderman

October 26, 2002
well first I would say you are taking too long at your meal (just my 2 cents) and second if you experience an upset stomach after eating it, you may well be dumping on it. Some people do. They use sugar alcohols and glycerine to sweeten them (most of them anyway)and some people's bodies recognize it as sugar, regardless. If you do dump on them, there's a good chance that it may also stall your weight-loss. Again, just my 2 cents. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 26, 2002
Irene, I'm 2 1/2 months post-op and can do the same thing. I called my dietician and she said that it was perfectly normal because even though the bar says it weighs so much it is only 1/2 cup and is ok to take in. I love those protein bars (versus the protein drinks) and had the same concern. I'm not concerned anymore, I've also bought a food scale to make sure I'm not taking in too much food.
   — Carole M.

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