Sorry everyone, but this question is about poo...

Okay, if you don't want to read a question about poo, stop now and hit your back button! For those of you still with me...I'm almost 7 weeks post-op, and up until yesterday my stools were very light in color-almost yellow. All of a sudden yesterday I noticed they are back to their pre-op color (let's just say they're now darker). Please don't page Dr. Freud - I don't have a poo fettish, but I am just wondering if this is normal. Has anyone else experienced this?    — Jane D. (posted on January 10, 2003)

January 9, 2003
I can't remember when, but my 'poo' also changed in *hue*. It was dark for a long time, and now changes back and forth in color. I wish I could tell you the reason why, but I don't know. I remember someone saying that it would always be pale and yellow in color due to the gastric juices meeting so far down in the intestinal tract. I guess thats not the case for me. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this 'phenomenon'.
   — Cheri M.

January 9, 2003
When I had my orginal bypass in 1981, my stool was very light (clay) colored and they were a double flusher, if you know what I mean, lol and the doc said that this had to due with the fat content in the stool. and the clay color has to do with liver enzymes. I had surgery in Feb for something else and when I got home, my stool turned a blackish color. I had to go back to the hospital for a blood transfusion. I was having a GI bleed r/t my surgery. Had to have three pints. Also if you take iron, it might turn your stool dark but it is more of a greenish dark color. So this is probably just something to do with your diet. I wouldnt be alarmed unless it drastically changes.
   — Delores S.

January 9, 2003
I will tell you what I "think" it is as I often have "yellow stools". I heard that with WLS we don't absorb alot of the fat we eat and we "poop it out", thus the yellow stools. I'm fairly sure that is what that is although I would'nt be dogmatic about it. ;)
   — Danmark

January 9, 2003
Well, I GOTTA get in on THIS one. WHEN I go it is a dark blackish greenish. It's my iron. Iron always did that to me. I remember when I was pregnant and had to take iron supplements. Happy pooing! ;)
   — Ginger M.

January 10, 2003
I am two years out and my poo hue (lovin it) is always something new...
   — Karen R.

January 10, 2003
Jane, I had the same experience.
   — Wanda R.

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