Hi. I'm 19 months post op and have pain between my breast

This past Tuesday night i had a major binge. That night i ate a bunch of different things..I ate real fast i'm sure not chewing as much as i should.. I had horrible pain afterwards but finally fell asleep.. Wed. I woke up and felt a little sick to my stomach, I was that way all day.. Felt like i needed to throw up which i have never done before. I tried for the life of me to vomit it just wouldn't come out.Thursaday morning and all day same thing again. Lightheaded sick to the stomach.Tried again to throw up but nothing.. Today i went to the DR. my pcp. She refered me to a specialist.. my appt. is wed. I feel as though all the food i eat is just sitting inbetween my breasts..Does it sound to you like i have a blockage? Or what else do you think it could be..Some of my lab work came back with some elevated figures plus they found blood in my stool (test taken last fri. before this incident) Creatine kinase occult blood 1, 2 , and 3 all positive Unbound iron binding was 424 (normal range is112-346) iron binding capacity (calc)476 (normal range 250 - 400) Folic acid (folate ) >20.0 ( normal range 4.2 - 19.9 ) Transferrin 408 (normal range 200 - 360 ) Hemoglobin a1c 6.6 .. i know what this one means.. diabetis which i am being treated for. Platelets 441 ( normal range 140 - 440) So if there is any one out there that knows what these figures me please let me know... Should i be concerned? Sorry for the lenght.. Thanks again Sharon S. Dr. Sawicki June 26, 01 313 down to 213    — Sharon S. (posted on January 17, 2003)

January 17, 2003
If you can drink liquids you dont have a blockage. If you cant drink go to the doc or ER, you will dehydrate FAST.the diabetic number shows your diabetic but under 7 is well controlled so thats good news! Some of my labs came back high like yours, my PCP said I see your taking your vitamins. So dont worry too much. The blood in the stool will need looked into. By chance do you eat really rare beef? That can generate false positives on fecal blood. UI LOVE really rare steak.
   — bob-haller

January 20, 2003
You ate too fast and swallowed too much at one time. Slow down.
   — dolphins94

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