Bad swelling & now a lump! Almost 1 yr postop tummy tuck, 3 months lipo

Hi Guys. Here's the deal. I had a huge abdominoplasty last spring. In November I followed up with a crotch lift & some lipo done to my upper abdomen through my belly button in mid November. In late December I had an emergency surgery for infection with a huge abscess in my left middle abdomen. I've been prone to SOME swelling with all my surgeries. But now I've started a second job = CNA with lots of lifting & turning, etc. My tummy is so swollen I feel huge and am wearing a full pants size bigger to compensate. Sometimes I'm so swollen it feel like my belly button is going to go from an inny to an outy. And a few days ago I noticed a weird lump in my upper abdomen. Its the size of a dime sized marble. Doesn't seem to do anything when I push with my abdominal muscles or anything and can't imagine its hernia because of how high it is and how small. Have any of you who have had lipo found any weird lumps like this? Have you had any excess swelling like I'm having later down the road? I saw my PCP but she has no idea. I can't see my surgeon because he's in MX (I'm in northern Idaho) and can't afford a flight down there right now. Desperately need some advice from those of you who have gone through PS yourselves.    — Shelly S. (posted on February 23, 2003)

February 23, 2003
I'm only about 4 mo post op however, I would see another doctor,probably an internist. This HAS to be diagnosed and not ignored. Don't settle until you get an answer. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

February 28, 2003
Just wanted to let you know that I strained the muscles at work and so ended up going in to talk to surgeon. The swelling is still d/t the prev. surgery in December. And the lump is a lymphodema (or some such)and is harmless.
   — Shelly S.

February 28, 2003
Just wanted to let you know that I strained the muscles at work and so ended up going in to talk to surgeon. The swelling is still d/t the prev. surgery in December. And the lump is a lymphodema (or some such)and is harmless.
   — Shelly S.

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