Any one have and bladder pain or disomfort post op

I am 2 months out and have noticed some discomfort and pain with my bladder. After I urinate and sometimes when I sit down. or bend. It feels kind of big and sore on the bottom. I am constantly aware of it. I drink a lot of water. Not quite 64oz but pretty close. I only get the urge to go three times a day. Thanks. Armonce    — armonce G. (posted on March 12, 2003)

March 12, 2003
Hi, I am pre-op but your symptoms could be a possible UTI or bladder irritation. Sometimes when you are taking in a lot of protein even with water consumption, the possibilty of some irritation or infection is greater. I used to get bladder infections esp. when I was pregnant I think the prenatal vitamins and not urinating often enough were the cause - UTI's can be painful and sometimes we can have it and not have symptoms. Any way the best advice I can give you is to have a urinalysis done at your doc's. If you can tolerate cranberry juice give that a try also. In either case you should let your doctor know. A simple antibiotic could be all you need.
   — lyndaleigh

March 12, 2003
Yep..sounds like a UTI..I know for me..every time I have a catheter..I get a UTI..ugh..I hate them..but thankfully they are pretty easily treated :)
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 12, 2003
Hello, I just received medicine for URINARY TRACT INFECTION AND IT WAS HORRIBLE AND AWFUL!!!! I prayed all the way to the doctor's and literally begged god to take this pain away from me. I stopped using the bathroom as much and my urine was terribly yellow or darker than usual. I slacked off of the water and drank orange juice, wine and not enough water! Boy!!!! Did I pay for doing that!!!! Please get your uti test and make sure because if you don't it could spread to your kidneys and do major damage. If you went a few days and lowered your water intake it still can linger. You don't even have to have all of the symptoms to know that you have it. But, please, please-PLEASE.......don't make the horrible mistake I did by waiting too late to go to the doctor. If you think you have and run fast before it go to through the stages of giving you back pain, pain urination, urine contamination. Some of the symptoms include: a painful, burning sensation in the area of the bladder or urethra during urination, a feeling of tiredness, the shakes, Bladder pain, even when not urinating (caused by pressure aabove the pubic bone in women and fullness in the rectum in men!, The passing of only a small amount of urine at a time, lower back pain, fever, or chills (in some cases, Milky or cloudy urine, Some cases/blood in the urine and signes that it has reached the kidneys, loss of appetite, incontinence or loose bowels, a change in urinary patterns or a generally unhealthy apearance especially if you let it linger in your body toooooooooooooooo long!!!!! Please get it checked out if you think that it is indeed uti. Keep me posted!!! Shirley/laprny/chicago style/down 115!
   — Shirley M.

March 12, 2003
Three thoughts from someone who's had a LOT of UTI's: 1.Did you have a urinary catheter during surgery? They can introduce bacteria. The first UTI I ever had was after being catheterized. 2. You can buy a UTI screening kit at the drugstore which gives enough information to know if you should go see the doctor. Your symptoms sound pretty strong though. I'd go in ASAP. 3. Do you have diabetes? It can make UTI's more likely.
   — sjwilde

March 13, 2003
Original poster here. I diddn't waste any time. I called Dr. and they got me in right away. I have and infection and now that I think about it I think it was the catheter. I am on the mend. Another pill to add to my collection. Yesterday they said that I was dehydrated and my ketone's were high. I had a horrible food day yesterday and could hardly drink or eat anything all day. So far today so good. Thanks all.
   — armonce G.

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