About when is it time for a tummy tuck? Is there a specific time to wait after wls?

   — Diane N. (posted on March 28, 2003)

March 28, 2003
There really isn't a specific time. Usually, when you get close to your goal is a good time to see a plastic surgeon. Some want you to wait until you're at least 18 months post-op, but I've also seen posts from people who have had it earlier. The other thing is that, if you have any problems with the extra skin, get them documented. Back pain, skin rashes and infections, even difficulty walking if your panni is very large can help you get your insurance to pay for at least some of the PS. Go to your doctor for any problems like that and make sure that it is in your medical records. Do it every time, or at least call them if you have flare-ups and make sure that is also noted in your records. That won't guarantee your insurance will pay, but the companies that will cover your PS usually want documentation that it is medically necessary and not just cosmetic.
   — garw

April 1, 2003
I am only 4 monthe out but I know a woman who looks wonderful and she swears that if you wait 2 years, much of the elasticity in your skin comes back and she didnt need Plastics. I plan on trying to wait it out until 2 years and hope that I am young enough that it shrinks up.
   — Dana H.

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