can I take imodium AD, 5 days post-op?

This all started today, I have the worst case of diareah! I have been on a liquid diet for 6 days now. It reminds me of my bowel prep! I used to take Imodium AD pre-op and was wondering if I could take it now? I have gone about 10-12 times today... no fever. All i am drinking is water, SF jello, SF popsicles... is this normal? i am debating calling Dr., it is Friday night, Memorial Weekend... what if it is normal for post-op? please help me!!! Thank you.    — heather S. (posted on May 23, 2003)

May 23, 2003
I had the very same problem at about 1-2 weeks post-op. My surgeon said it was ok to take Immodium AD in liquid form only. Took care of the problem within a day. Things got much better when I was off the clear liquid stage and on to soft foods. Good Luck to you! ^j^ Shadow
   — Shadow51

May 23, 2003
You should really check with your doctor. I had the runs also when I was on the liquid post surgery diet also. I was told by my dietician that the runs are caused by the liquids. It will improve, I promise.
   — ChristineB

May 24, 2003
i was allowed to use Imodium AD and boy did I!!! It really worked wonders for me early pre-op. I was able to take the tiny green caplets--they are absolutely the smallest pill you will ever see. Extremely easy to take and effetive without any problems. Shelley
   — Shelley.

May 26, 2003
I was told if it was more than 5x a day the doctor should be called. It wouldn't hurt to just check with the dr under these circumstances. You're body is just adjusting, but ease your mind. Good luck!
   — Diane S.

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