How long does it take for protein to go bad?

I can ONLY take Atkins- protein shakes pre-made in a can. (It is the one that I don't gag on & throw up). It only comes in 11oz. cans, problem is my pouch is 2 oz. (I am 2 week post-op) when I try to consume it quickly, (it makes me very ill and I feel like I am going to throw it up for at least an hour after drinking)... because I heard protein goes bad after it has been opened (or made) if it has been more than half an hour? even in the refrigerator & covered? I heard you loose nutritional value even if you freeze it? Has anyone heard this and is this true? I was advised by my Dr's office to break the shake up into halfs- drink the 5 1/2 oz. for breakfast... drink the rest at lunch, and do the same throughout the day. But how can I if I am gonna loose the protein? Any suggestions or what do you do?    — heather S. (posted on June 4, 2003)

June 4, 2003
It too is my understanding that the protein begins to break down after a half hour, whether or not it is in the fridge, or if you freeze it, losing some of that much needed protein. But because you are only 2 weeks post op, maybe you should drink them taking as long as you need right now. Within the next few weeks however, keep trying to get them in within less time. Eventually you should have no problem getting those 11 oz. in. I too had trouble early post op (I use Ultra Pure Protein which is also in an 11 oz. can) but made sure I finished every can no matter how long it took. The drink doesn't go 'bad' after a half hour, it merely loses protein value, so it doesn't hurt to drink it all. Keep up the good work...remember it takes time!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 4, 2003
I'm not sure if the protein breakdown applies to the canned stuff or not, but I thought that freezing the protein extended that half-hour time frame. Bear in mind that your pouch may be two ounces, but liquids flow through relatively easily, so it doesn't mean you can't take in more than two ounces of liquid (or something like that) in a sitting. Having said that, it is definitely a lot more difficult to drink any amount of anything in those early weeks. As to your questions about how the Atkins drink behaves once opened, you might want to call the manufacturer and ask them.
   — Suzy C.

June 5, 2003
It may not be the breakdown of the protien...I for one cannot take any of the protien supplements without vomiting. Iget my protien through meat and egg whites. Each large egg white has 9g of protien and NO fat or Cholesterol
   — hooterzgirl75

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