Did anyone try to get pregnant less than 12 months after wls?

I am curious. I know that we are supposed to wait to conceive until our period of rapid weight loss is over, usually 12-18 moths after wls. But what if I am a lightweight, and lose most of my weight within 6-8 months? Would it be safe then to try to get pregnant?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on June 7, 2003)

June 7, 2003
I know myself I am very anxious to ge pregnant, and understand how you feel. I am 14 months post op and am dying to get pregnant. I promised myself I would listen to the doctor's orders and wait at least 18 months before conceiving. There are more reasons than weight gain for them to want us to wait. Enjoy the new you before putting on the baby weight.
   — bevewy

June 7, 2003
i tried to avoid it even though i always wanted kids and was infertile for 15 yrs, 10 months post op i ended up pregnant without even knowing it till i had a miscarriage. I would wait the time frame even if you are at your goal before your scheduled time. Just be safe! good luck
   — Deanna Wise

June 7, 2003
There's an on-line group devoted to post-WLS pregnancy on Yahoo. Go to, choose groups, then do a search for OSSG pregnancy. (OSSG stands for Obesity Surgery Support Group). I'm sure you can get a lot of information there from people who did get pregnant within a year of their WLS, whether they had planned to or not.
   — garw

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