scared of not enough protein & to many carbs & sugar?

my surgery is in 4 days,what kind of foods are high in protein and low,low in carbs & sugars any menus w/brands would be of great help,web site etc....    — Stacy R. (posted on July 6, 2003)

July 5, 2003
Stacy, Foods high in protein include all meats, chicken, turkey, fish, shell fish, cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, some beans - in fact all vegetables have a little protein in them. Early post-op, you won't have to worry about protein as much as later - you will not be able to get much in a day. After you get on solid foods and your pouch heals, then you will start eating more. I eat a lot of cottage cheese - it has 11 g of protein for 1/2 cup and only 70 calories. I ususally eat a cup of it for lunch - that gives me a whopping 22g of protein and only 140 calories. But, I am 19 months post-op and can eat a lot more now. Canned salmon is very high in protein and it is also high in the good Omega Fatty Acids. Tuna is good, so are eggs and cheese. I snack on beef jerky, nuts, and peanut butter. I also have one Lactose Free Slim Fast a day for a protein supplement (my surgeon's suggestion). The foods to avoid because of carbs (at least for me) are starchy foods such as rice, potatos, pasta, bread, crackers, etc. I would also suggest that you avoid falling into the trap of eating sugar free cookies and candies too. They may not have sugar but they are very high in calories and have NO nutrition. The rule of thumb I use is to evaluate the calories in a food compared to the nutrition. If something has 200 calories but I get 20 g of protein, I go for it; if it has 200 calories and 2 g or protein, I avoid it. I do not count carbs and I loosely count calories. I do not weigh or measure my foods. I just try to get most of my carbs from small portions of fruit and vegetables.
   — Patty_Butler

July 6, 2003
I have been getting at least 60 grams per day since about 2 weeks out. I think that the only way to do this is to supplement with shakes but I have had great success (I think)and no plateaus and that is because I keep my protein up (generally around 80-100 grams) and I keep my carbs below 40 grams as well as drinking as much water as I can, at least 64 ounces. I also eat all the foods mentioned by the previous poster except for beans. I lived on cottage cheese and yogurt early on.
   — Carol S.

July 7, 2003
Sharon Brittain's profile has some great lists of foods to eat at each stage of WL. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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