Looking for a caring WLS friendly pcp in raleigh NC area who accepts Cigna

Just starting to get my medical records and such together for my journey. I need a good pcp to help get the ball rolling. My usual Doctors practice just added sports medicine to their name and got new doctors and I feel like they look at me as other than their ideal patient. We just switched to cigna and I can change my pcp hopefully you can help me find a good one. Thanks in advance (First post BTW)    — jean G. (posted on July 7, 2003)

July 7, 2003
I live in Raleigh and love Gillian Alyward, M.D. in Chapel Hill. She's very kind and has been a wonderful, caring doctor for me for years. She happily wrote my letter of medical necessity and believes in the surgery. I know it's a bit of a drive but not too bad. She's at Timberlyne Family Medical. Good luck on your journey!
   — Kate G.

July 8, 2003
Hi! Call the surgeon's office! They most likely have a list of Pro-WLS PCP's that frequently recommend patients to them. My surgeon's office gave me a few names, "just in case" my PCP of 9 years would not refer me. I see him today... and will hope for the best. Good luck to you! :)
   — Susan B.

July 8, 2003
Cigna is not very friendly... too bad you can't find better insurance!! Seriously, check this site for surgeons in your area and see if any of them are in network..that's how I found my potential surgeon.. I say potential because I have been fighting CIGNA for 9 months.. and still haven't been approved yet... good luck to you tho!!Chris
   — chris S.

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