Very personal, please help me!

I want to have this surgery. But I have herpes and I'm worried about getting an outbreak right before my surgery date. If I do, will I still be able to have the surgery? Will it complicate matters? I'm sorry I posted anonymously, this is embarrassing to me. I still haven't quite dealt with the fact I have herpes. (my husband cheated on me and then decided to reward me further with this disease.) I don't want to get my hopes up only to have them dashed if my surgery gets cancelled due to an outbreak. If you can give me any info on this, either from personal experience or if it's just something you know, please do. I set up an email account just for those of you who would rather email me than post their answers: [email protected] I need some answers, and I don't see my surgeon for another month! I can't wait to know, but don't want to call him about this! Thank you all so much.    — Anonymous P. (posted on August 8, 2003)

August 7, 2003
I hope this answers your question. I am a nurse and would suggest you call your MD and get a prescription for Valtrex or Zofran. Many things can trigger a herpes outbreak including stress etc. I hope this helps and does not delay your surgery
   — thesaurkratkid

August 7, 2003
A friend of mine also has herpes. But she had her surgery in May of this year, but she had the gastric band. She is also on medication but I am not sure what the medication is called. She is doing excellent and as far as I know she did not have an out break before surgery or after. Good Luck.
   — Chris9672

August 7, 2003
An outbreak shouldnt have any effect on your having your surgery. Working in surgery for many years alot of people have outbreaks. Let you surgeon know what med you take so in case you do get one he or she can make sure you are given the proper meds.
   — Lesley T.

August 9, 2003
Answering as a healthcare professional--if you were to outbreak--it would be most likely post-op and not pre-operatively. You could be put on meds pre-operatively. Good Luck. Talk w/ your MD honestly.
   — Wannabe A.

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