new to posting messages ... Misc questions

I would like to introduce myself to you, my name is Robin and my new birthday date is scheduled for October 9, 2003, and believe me it cannot come soon enough !!! Since I joined this message board I have learn sooo much about my upcoming surgery and new life and I want to thank you all for all the interesting posts. I have a great support team, 3 cousins who have had laps done within the last 2 years and a brother who just may be having his lap done about the same time as mine. I do have a ton of questions but I will not lengthen this post any more and ask my first couple questions. I'm wondering if anyone prior to surgery banked your own blood? also has anyone been on acid reflux meds, aciplex, protonix or prilocec, and not needed anything afterwards? Do I get to forever give all that up ? thanks in advance !!! Robin    — Robin G. (posted on August 8, 2003)

August 8, 2003
Robin I had reflux I was taken Axid 300mg. I also was taking Liptor, and 3 pills a day for diabetic. I don't take any of that now. I take vitamins and that is it. Jane -76.5 open 3-4-03
   — Jane T.

August 8, 2003
Hello Robin, I can answer the question about acid reflux and meds. I've been taking Protonix for a couple of years now and they continued to give them to me while I was in the hospital about three days after my surgery. I don't seem to need them as much now so I've scaled back on taking them, as a matter of fact, I haven't taken them for the last four days, but I will take them again starting next week because I don't want to injure my pouch over time. The reason I do take a break from the protonix is because it was never meant for indefinate usage. In the long run my surgeon says that I probably will come off the anti-reflux meds all together, but there's no guarantee. I have both a hiatal hernia and a ring around my asophagus,so, only time will tell. I hope that helps in some small way. Good luck with your surgery. I like what you said about a new birthday date. I might have to steal that. LOL
   — Rosa F.

August 8, 2003
As to the Protonix I was on them forever before my surgery and within a week after the surgery I was taken off them and been off them ever since. I wish you the best of luck with your sugery.
   — Holly B.

August 8, 2003
I had the opportunity to have blood banked but since the hospital was an hour away from my home and I was terribly busy the day before surgery, I didn't get a chance to do it (they would only let me bank blood the day before surgery). I wish I'd found time to do it because I ended up needed 2 blood transfusions! So I'd definitely say it's a good thing to do if you have the opportunity. I also took Aciphex prior to surgery and my surgeon put me on Prilosec twice a day after surgery. I don't know how long I need to be on it, or if I really NEED to be on it now, but I will be asking him at my next appointment! Good luck! Jody :) RNY 5/23/03 235/190
   — MomBear2Cubs

August 9, 2003
I never needed reflux medications before my surgery.. Now I have to take a protonix every day.. But I do not regret having the surgery one bit.. I am 10 months out and have lost 140 lbs & feel great...
   — Anne T.

August 10, 2003
Typically the blood loss is very minor, so there isn't a need to stock up on blood. But if you feel safer I'm sure it can be arranged. <p>I lived on Prilosec from 1995 till my surgery in Feb 2003. I used them much more just to keep my stomach happy and not feeling yucky from the strong prescription anti-inflammatories I also lived on since 1995. I rarely truly had reflux but without the Priolosec I always felt crappy. I took Prilosec for about 6 days after surgery and have not had any since. I'm a little over 6 months PO. I also no longer take my anti-inflammatories. I had to go back on them at 4 weeks because my fibromyalgia flared up and stayed on them for about 6-8 weeks. Then went back off with minimal problems. There are some days I might feel better with them but I can deal with those days. At least now I can use them when I really need them and don't have to be on them everyday just to function. So because the anti-inflammatories are gone so is the Prilosec. I dropped about $5000 a year in medications. I only take 2 now which cost about $2100. One of them is $1800 alone. The two I still take will likely never go away as they have nothing or very little to do with weight loss. It's amazing what things all disappear after surgery besides lbs.
   — zoedogcbr

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