Great price, but oh my what a big capsul

Oh man, I just received Twinlabs calcium citrat caps, they are huge, there's no way they are going down my passage, even if I hadn't had the surgery. Is it ok to open them and put in food or beverages? The price was great and it wouldn't be finacially beneficial to send them back, the only cost $7.48 and I also purchased subliqual B-12 500mcg, 250 dots for $9.75,. I bought them at    — Rosa F. (posted on August 26, 2003)

August 26, 2003
FYI, has better prices on the dots. And yes, you can open the capsules.
   — Delores S.

August 26, 2003
HI! I don't see why you wouldn't be able to open the capsules, if it's easier for you then do it. Also, I just purchased B-12 1000mcg subliqual from GNC for $19.99 for a 120 day supply. My doc requires 1000mcg per week, so this was a GREAT price. ~LEANN~
   — LE803

August 26, 2003
Your right they are huge, and I can swollow them whoe either, so I have found a great way to get them down! I use a small 2oz cup and add a very small amount of sf chocolate syrup and open the capsule and mix it up, and I have to also take 2 potassium caps at the same so I mix them all togather and add a little milk and stir! It takes the gritty powdery tast away and I just swollow not chew and it goes right down, and tast like chocolate brownie, so its small treet. I purchase mine from vitalady and I also get the dots from her my potassium is Rx.
   — wizz46

August 26, 2003
Thank you all for the info. I will find something to mix the citrate caps in that I can comfortably consume. As far as, they charge 13.99 for 250, 500 mcg that's $4 more than what I paid and shipping is less expensive at Unless you guys are getting some kind of discount that I'm not aware of, I believe I came out ahead, price wise at Vitacost. I checked out quite a while ago, but I've found better prices at various sites, otherwise I would have purchased from that site.
   — Rosa F.

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