Which do I have

Last Friday night I started feeling feeling a soreness and tenderness in my stomach area. I thought it was the chili I may have eaten. Saturday I am bloated, gassy, have soft stools and an odd metallic taste in mouth when I burp, which is a lot. Stomach is tender to the touch. I went back on liquids but it hasn't gotten much better. Really hurts to wear pants. I am calling PCP tomorrow if it doesn't get any better. Any ideas are appreciated. I still have soft stools, tendeness in stomach are and lots of gas - both ends. No feeling like heartburn though. Any ideas I haven't thought of are appreciated.    — snicklefritz (posted on September 1, 2003)

September 1, 2003
Hi Jack, I am thinking that maybe the beans in the chili was just too much for your system. The gas could very well be from the beans and even the spices in the chili. The stomach tenderness could also be from the gas. You do not say how far out you are so I am a little hesitant to suggest taking gas-x but it might be worth a try. I wonder if it comes in liquid form? However, try a hot water bottle on the stomach first to see if that won't break down some of the gas and help. Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

September 1, 2003
Looks like you are 3 months out, so I would say gas X and call your doctor to let them know.
   — Saxbyd

September 1, 2003
That would happen to me once in a while pretty early on post-op. Gas-X helped alot. Good luck MaryLyn
   — Kriola

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